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Tuesday, October 7, 2008



Greatest Drives, you can use this assessment only of style, the Alfa Romeo could win easily. Sharp line and retire to a corner and stern landainya Italian style. Plus with a V6 engine kuatdan control legendaries, clearly make Alfa Romeo has a road to success.

Then why should Brera should appear in the position of the last of 20 cars that be this year?

Sure, there is no relation to the cabin. Driving position is great, the cockpit curve make Brera feels like pure sports car. Press the start button and 3,200 cc V6 engine is loud roar.

But on the road, Alfa Romeo failed to complement the style of his impressive. The ratio of teeth to create long-dk 260 engine feels weak and less encouragement at high speed. Torque 322 Nm are also feels less special.

Steering its equilibrium, but also less feedback, and in sharp corners symptoms appear bewildered by excess. Four-wheel drive system gives Q4 exceeds the grip and Alfa Romeo rarely lose stability. But he was less involved drivers.

He also less fast. Straight on the road, Alfa Romeo Brera failed to surpass other hot Hatch, and most long time for one lap circuit. But beating them is quite soft and Alfa Romeo Brera tend to be rather explorers Sport Coupe.

ALFA ROMEO BRERA 3.2 Q4 Versi Indonesia

Andai Greatest Drives ini menggunakan penilaian hanya dari style, maka Alfa Romeo bisa menang mudah. Garis tajam dan menyudut dan buritan landainya bergaya Italia. Ditambah dengan mesin V6 yang kuatdan pengendalian yang legendaries, jelas membuat Alfa Romeo memiliki jalan untuk sukses.

Lalu kenapa Brera harus harus muncul di posisi terakhir dari 20 mobil yang dites tahun ini?

Yang pasti, tidak ada hubungannya dengan kabin. Posisi mengemudi yang hebat, kokpit yangmelengkung membuat Brera terasa seperti sports car sejati. Tekan tombol start dan mesin 3.200 cc V6 pun menderu keras.

Tapi di jalan, Alfa Romeo gagal mengimbangi style-nya yang mengesankan. Rasio gigi panjang membuat mesin 260 dk terasa lemah dan kurang dorongan di kecepatan tinggi. Sedang torsi 322 Nm juga terasa kurang istimewa.

Setirnya juga imbang tapi kurang feedback, dan di tikungan tajam muncul gejala limbung berlebih. System penggerak empat roda Q4 memberi grip berlimpah dan Alfa Romeo jarang kehilangan kestabilan. Tapi ia kurang melibatkan pengemudi.

Ia juga kurang kencang. Di jalan lurus, Alfa Romeo Brera gagal mengungguli hot hatch lainnya, dan waktunya paling lamauntuk satu putaran sirkuit. Tapi bantingannya cukup empuk dan Alfa Romeo Brera cenderung jadi penjelajah ketimbang Coupe Sport.


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