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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Massive Update Lurking...

I have tried to get this out as a Christmas to all my GREAT customers - just to say thanks for your support, but it's just too much to complete.

Plus we are releasing a new car around the same time - want a hint - its called "Zender" at the moment :)) ... inspired by Pagani ;)

BTW : Those of you who cannot afford the L$6995 price tag of the GT - there is a cheaper (GS) version for sale at L$2300 here. Its very similar to the original GT, small script differences, it has some additional poses on windshield etc, it is limited in colors (just over 30 presets instead of millions), and only has the supplied interior and alloys. But if you are just looking for a decent car, then its there.

FYI : We have a Christmas tree running at the moment GIVING FREE GS's AWAY !!! :)) ... all you need is some patience and have a good chance to win one by just spending some time on our sim. Its here - just click the tree to enter, then enjoy shopping / exploring the sim.

So back to the update. Without giving too much detail away .... I really appreciate all you great customers and your support, and I didn't want to be like other car-makers - just push new cars nonstop and give no extra value on older ones. So I've been working on something special to re-ignite your GT's ;))
NOTE: This update is GT only, not GS.

As many of you commented, the GT was pretty decent and ahead for its time. It's now 18 months later and some makers are catching up, and their sculpt meshes are a little less shaky than they used to be. So this update will take your GT a big step ahead again. It will not appeal to ALL owners, but I would think most will enjoy it. I will also be making some small changes on sculpt improvements on the base GT model in the update so I'm sure all will enjoy those.

Have fun


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