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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Charles Grunnow, Coach driver, Bromborough. Cheshire.

Birkenhead County Magistrates Court
Thursday Spetember 13th before Messrs S.Stitt & F. Thorneley

CRUELTY TO A HORSE.- Charles Grunnow, cab driver of Bromborough, was fined 15s., with costs for working a horse with open sores on it's back. The animal was also in a very weak condition.
(Liverpool Mercury, Friday September 14th 1888; Issue 12693)

Liverpool Court of Passage.
A sitting of this court commenced on Tuesday at St. George's Hall, Mr T. W. Baylis, Q.C. presiding.

Grunnow V. Forsyth.- In this case, which was of no public interest, Charles Grunnow, car proprietor, Bromborough, Cheshire, sought for the return of a mare, or it's value and damages for the detention against John Forsyth, described as a horse jobber, Dryden Street, Liverpool. The Jury, after a long hearing, found for the plaintiff, awarding him £23 as the value of the mare, and £7 as damages for the wrongful detention.
(Liverpool Mercury, ThursdayOctober 15th 1891: Issue 13658)

Liverpool Police Court
Thursday November 12th, before Mr W.J. Stewart.

Curious Charge of Forgery:
Charles Grunnow of Bromborough, Cheshire appeared in answer to a summons taken out by William Bailey, charging him with forgery. The charge arose out of the sale of a horse by Bailey, who is a horse dealer, to the defendant on August 17th last. It appears that on that date Grunnow purchased a bay gelding from the plaintiff for £18 and the sum of 6s on the spot. A receipt was given leaving a balance of £17 14s. Some time after Grunnow came back evidently dissatisfied with his purchase, and made some arrangements about a black mare. An action was brought by Bailey in the court of Passage for the £17 14s and the jury found for the defendant. The receipt was produced there, and it appeared to have been altered so as to make it seem as though it was in respect to the black mare and not to the geilding the figures £18 and the word "bay gelding" having been scratched out, and the words "Black mare" subsituted. The defendant explained in the Court of Passage that his daughter aged eleven, had written in the words.- Mr Stewart held that there was not a case for a jury, and dismissed the summons.
(Liverpool Mercury, Friday November 13th 1891; Issue 13683)

(The Court of Passage represents the civil jurisdiction of the medieval borough court. By the eighteenth century the “Court of Liverpool”, “Borough Court”, “Mayor’s Court” or “Court of Passage” had gradually confined itself, under the last name, to civil suits. The Court of Passage was abolished in 1971 by the Courts Act 1971.)

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